Figure 5. OSCS inhibits SDF-1α mediated T cell morphological changes.
PHA and IL-2 activated human T cell blasts were stained with anti-CD43-FITC for the CD43 membrane distribution, Draq5 for the nucleus and 7AAD to exclude dead cells as described in the Materials and Methods section. Analysis by ImageStream of T cells in response to SDF-1α with cells gated into low circularity and high circularity populations were (A) based on the membrane Circularity_Morphology histogram; (B) Representative images showing low circularity and high circularity cells; (C) Percentages of low circularity cells in the whole cell population after treatment with PBS, SDF-1α, SDF-1α in the presence of CSA, OSCS, heparin or heparin contaminated with OSCS. There is no significant difference between SDF-1α and SDF-1α in the presence of CSA (0.1>p>0.05). A significant difference exits between samples treated with PBS and SDF-1α (0.02>p>0.01), SDF-1α with CSA and SDF-1α with OSCS (0.02>p>0.01) as well as between SDF-1α with heparin and SDF-1α with contaminated heparin (0.02>p>0.01). The data are representative of experiments with at least three different donors.