Figure 2. HPV-related diseases and ICERs. (A) 9–26 FM vs. 9–26F. Reprinted with permission of Elbasha and Dasbach.45 (B) 12FM vs. 12F. Reprinted with permission of Kim and Goldie.47 For cervical cancer plus genital warts, estimated from the graph in the publication. (C) 12FM+CU13–26F vs. 12F+CU13–26F. Reprinted with permission of Chesson et al.49 CC, cervical cancer; VAG, vaginal cancer; VUL, vulvar cancer; PEN, penile cancer; ANA, anal cancer; H&N, head and neck cancers; JORRP, juvenile-onset RRP, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis; GW, genital warts; F, female; M, male; CU, catch-up.