Figure 2.
Flowchart overview of the intermediate training and performance probe phases of the location discrimination (LD) task (a). Following initiation, two stimuli are simultaneously presented; one is designated correct and the other incorrect. If a nose poke response to the stimulus in the correct location is made, a reward is delivered. A nose poke response to the incorrect stimulus results in a time out (5 s). Either response is further followed by an ITI of 10 s, after which the animal is required to initiate the next trial. If an animal makes 7 correct responses in 8 consecutive trials, the reward-location contingency is reversed and trials are repeated until the same level of performance is achieved. The labels in italics indicate steps in which the animal is required to perform an action. (b) As an example (please refer to the text for actual dimensions), the LD mask for mice is shown during the “intermediate” training phase (see PROTOCOL, Step 11B-ii).