Figure 20.
Schematic structures of synthetic Fe8S7 clusters: PN-type clusters 77a ([Fe8(μ3-S)6(μ6-S)(μ2-{N{SiMe3}2)2(SC(NMe2)2)2{N(SiMe3)2}2]) and 77b, and clusters with interstitial sulfide atoms 78 (Fe8(μ3-S)6(μ6-S)(μ2-STip)( μ2-SDmp)2(SDmp)2] and the minor byproduct 79 ([Fe8S7(μ2-SDmp)2(μ2-{N(SiMe3)2)})(STip)2]. Also shown is the Fe8 portion of 78 as an idealized bicapped trigonal prism with the mean Fe-S bond distance and mean length of Fe-Fe edges in trigonal faces; lengths of other Fe-Fe edges are indicated (adapted from ref. 134).