Figure 5.
P-body movement is actin dependent. A, Frequency changes of P-body motility classes relative to Col-0 after drug treatment with latrunculin B (left) and oryzalin (right) in wild-type leaf midvein cells expressing the P-body marker AtDCP1-YFP. The star denotes a condition resulting in a significant change in P-body motility class frequency relative to Col-0 (χ2 test, significance level 1% after Bonferroni multiple testing correction). B, Transient coexpression of AtDCP1-mCherry (magenta) and MAP4-eGFP (green) in wild-type Col-0 before treatment with 40 µm oryzalin. C, The same cell as in B after treatment (Supplemental Fig. S5, A and B). D, Transient expression of AtDCP1-mCherry (magenta) in Lifeact-eGFP (green) plants before treatment with 20 µm latrunculin B. E, The same cell as in D after treatment (Supplemental Fig. S5, C and D). Bar = 10 µm.