The CDM1 expression pattern. A, Analysis of
CDM1 expression in wild-type, spl, and
ems1 anthers using qRT-PCR. B, Detection of CDM1 expression in various
tissues using qRT-PCR. C–G, In
situ hybridization of the CDM1 transcript with a
CDM1 antisense probe in the wild type. Anthers at stages 4
(C), 5 (D), 6 (E), and 7 (F). CDM1 expression was greatly
reduced (G). H, In situ hybridization of the CDM1 transcript
with a CDM1 sense probe in a wild-type stage 5 anther. Only
the background signal was detected. Ar, Anther; ems1-Ar,
ems1 anther; Infl, young inflorescence; Lf, leaf; Of, open
flower; Se, silique; Sm, stem; spl-Ar, spl
anther. Bar = 20 μm in C–H.