Figure 1.
Identification of SlZF2. A, Amino acid sequence comparison of SlZF2 and StZFP1, SlZF1, CaZFP1, AtZAT10, and AtAZF1. Identical residues are shown in black and conserved residues are in dark gray. The C2H2 domains, as well as the nuclear localization site (B box), L box, and EAR motif, are labeled. B, Phylogenetic relationships between SlZF2 (ADZ15317) and zinc finger proteins from different species: tomato SlZF1 (ACG50000), Arabidopsis ZAT10 (Q96289), AZF1 (BAA85108), ZAT7 (Q42453), ZAT12 (Q42410), tobacco NtZFP (AAC06243), potato StZFP1 (ABK78777), pepper CaZFP1 (AAQ10954), and rice OsZFP252 (AAO46041).