Figure 10.
SlZF2 hormonal regulation. A, qRT-PCR analysis of SlZF2 expression in response to different hormonal treatments. EF1α and GAPDH were used as internal controls for ABA, CK, and IAA treatments. Data represent means and sds of three replicates. B, Viviparous phenotype of SlZF2 seeds in Z4 transgenic fruits. Germinating seeds developing in transgenic tomato fruits at harvest (Ba). Details of emerging radicals and hypocotyls (Bb). C, Insensitivity of Arabidopsis L5 (Cb), L6 (Cc), and L9 (Cd) transgenic seeds to ABA compared with a control line (Ca). Plants were grown on one-half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.2 μM ABA. D and E, Phytohormone content in Z4, Z5, and Z16 compared with wild-type tomato seedlings grown in vitro on regular MS medium. Data represent means and se of two readings of the same extract. Each extract concerns at least four plants, and the experiment was repeated twice. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments or tomato lines according to the Student-Newman-Keuls test at P < 0.05. cZ, cis-Zeatin; tZ, trans-Zeatin; WT, Wild type.