Figure 6.
Effects of SlZF2 ectopic expression in tomato. A, Transfer DNA (T-DNA) insertion in tomato genome and expression of SlZF2 in Z4, Z5, and Z16 transgenic lines and wild-type (WT) plants were analyzed by PCR. B, Defaults of germination of SlZF2 transgenic seeds on MS medium supplemented with 100 mg/L kanamycin. C, Dwarfism of 35S::SlZF2 tomato seedlings grown in vitro compared with wild-type tomatoes. D, Fully expanded leaf of transgenic (Da) and wild-type (Db) plants. E, Flowers of SlZF2-transgenic (Ea, Eb, and Ec) or wild-type (Ed and Ee) plants. F, Details of 35S::SlZF2 and wild-type tomato fruits (Fa and Fb, respectively) and according to a longitudinal section (Fc and Fd, respectively), and seeds of transgenic (Fe) and wild-type (Ff) tomatoes.