Expressions of Pi-related transcription factor genes in WRKY45-overexpressing lines. A, Pi uptake was monitored over a 4-h period in 7-d-old seedlings germinated and grown on MS medium. Data are shown as mean ± se (n = 3). B, Diagram of the promoter regions of PHR1, ZAT6, WRKY75, and WRKY45 showing the relative positions of the W-boxes. The W-boxes are marked by gray rectangles. C to E, qRT PCR analysis of PHR1 (C), ZAT6 (D), and WRKY75 (E) expressions in the WRKY45
RNAi line, WRKY45-overexpressing lines, and wild-type plants. Seven-day-old seedlings were harvested for RNA extraction. The data are the mean values of three replicates ± se. F and G, Transient overexpression of WRKY45 fused to ProWRKY75:GUS (F) and transient overexpression of WRKY75 fused to ProWRKY45:GUS (G) in N. benthamiana leaves. Each data bar represents the means ± se (n = 3). WT, Wild type.