Figure 2.
Plant defense elicitations to GPA-derived extract require components of PTI. A, GPA-derived extract elicits an ROS burst in wild-type Col-0 that is reduced in bak1-5 and absent in the AtrbohD mutant. ROS bursts were measured over a 600-min period. Graph shows means ± se of n = 16 leaf discs per replicate. White symbols represent water-treated leaf discs, and black symbols represent GPA-derived extract-treated leaf discs. Data of one representative experiment are shown. The experiment was repeated three times with similar results. B, GPA-derived extract-elicited callose deposition is significantly reduced in bak1-5 and pen2-1. Data shown are mean callose deposits produced per 1.34 mm2 of leaf upon each treatment with means ± se of three independent experiments (n = 12 leaf discs per replicate). Different letters indicate significant differences between the treatments (Student’s t probabilities calculated within GLM) at P < 0.05 (n = 36, F10,323 = 1388.15). [See online article for color version of this figure.]