Figure 2. Implantation is compromised in cKO mice and gestation fails in progesterone supplemented cKO mice.
(a) Representative embryos recovered at dpc 4 from mated CON (left), cKO (middle) and progesterone treated cKO mice (cKO +P4 ). (b) Results of transfer of 15 zygotes per mouse from CON and cKO mice to oviducts of CON mice, with percentage whelping and number of pups per five recipients (c) Uterine horns from CON, cKO and CKO+P4 mice at dpc 5 following infusion of Evans blue dye to demonstrate incipient implantation sites (d) Representative uteri at dpc 8 from CON, cKO and CKO+P4 mice showing no implantation in cKO mice and abnormal postimplantation morphology, including variation in the size of implantation sites in cKO + P4 mice (arrows) (e) Representative uteri from cKO+P4 mice at dpc 8, 12 and 17. (f) Representative uteri from CON mice at dpc 8, 12 and 17. (g) Uterine swellings dissected at dpc 8 from CON (bottom) and cKO+P4 (top) mice. (h) Comparison of parameters of gestation in CON and cKO mice, including weight of implantation sites, embryo and placental weights, crown-rump length of embryos and number of uterine swellings per mouse; mean ± SEM; n=5–10 mice and asterisks indicate significant difference (P<0.05) between cKO and contemporary CON parameters at each time in gestation. Scale bars 10 mm.