(a) Flowchart of types of collagen networks
specimens as a result
of different enzymatic treatments and the types of aqueous solutions
for aggrecan–collagen adhesion test. (b) Schematics of colloidal
force spectroscopy using microspherical tips (end radius R ≈ 2.5 μm) functionalized with hydroxyl-terminated self-assembled
monolayer (OH-SAM) and aggrecan. (c) Typical force vs depth (F–D) curves measured via OH-SAM
and aggrecan tips (PBS, [Ca2+] = 0 mM, surface dwell time td = 30 s). Curves shown are from three different
locations for each tip. (Inset) Definitions of the maximum adhesion
force, Fad, total adhesion energy, Ead, and maximum adhesion interaction distance, Dad, for each F–D curve.