Outline of the TOPRNA model. (A, B, C) A secondary structure element
is shown according to its ladder cartoon, and in 2D and 3D TOPRNA
representations. In part B, circular arrows denote freely rotatable
bonds, thick solid lines with small open circles denote permanent
base pair bonds with an accompanying “M” filler pseudoatom,
and dashed lines denote improper dihedral angles used to maintain
helical twist. (D) The adenine Pi–Si bond potential is shown as a representative
harmonic potential. Black and gray lines indicate the different potentials
used for base-paired and single-stranded nucleotides, respectively,
following the observation that these bonds exhibited strong and weak
harmonic potential behavior at short and large deviations. Two different
potentials were also used for angles involving this bond, but other
bonds and angles were assigned the same K regardless
of base-pairing status. (E) The Si–Pi+1–Si+1–Pi+2 dihedral potential placed
between sequentially paired residues i and i + 1 is shown as a representative example. The dashed line
indicates the original cosine series fit to the statistical potential,
with the solid line indicating the final TOPRNA potential after the K’s obtained from the original fit were uniformly
doubled. Statistical potentials were calculated by binning every 0.01
Å and 3.6° for bonds and dihedrals, respectively, with unpopulated
bins excluded, and are shown using open circles in parts D and E.