Resting-state function connectivity maps with seed region (radius 5 mm) at left amygdala (AMYG) (MNI coordinates: −20, −3, −16, indicated by the blue arrow) superimposed onto coronal sections. The map shows areas that healthy comparison subjects have significantly stronger connections with the seed region than those with postpartum depression (p<0.01, t-score>2.60, minimum of 5 voxels for each cluster, df=15). The approximate locations of selected clusters are labeled A–J. A: ACC, B: L DLPFC, C: R DLPFC, D: L Inferior Parietal Lobule, E: R Inferior Parietal Lobule, F: L Superior Frontal Gyrus, G: L Middle Frontal Gyrus, H: L Precuneus, I: L Inferior Temporal Gyrus, J: L Superior Temporal Gyrus.