Figure 3.
Effects of conditional elimination of EphA4 in the forebrain on forelimb movements during locomotion and exploratory reaching. A, B, Stacked histograms of forelimb locomotor behavior. During overground locomotion (A), both mutant mice (n = 6–10) and WT mice (n = 10) step with their forelimbs nearly 100% of the time (p = 0.30, F = 1.27, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni's posttest p > 0.05). During unobstructed treadmill locomotion (B), Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm2Kldr mice (n = 15) only showed a slight but significant percentage of hopping compared with WT (n = 10) and Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm1Bzh mice (n = 6; one-way ANOVA, p = 0.003, F = 7.4; Bonferroni's posttest p < 0.05). C, D, Mean percent (±SE) forelimb hopping during adaptive locomotion. Data for three 3 treadmill speeds (6 cm/s; 10 cm/s; 17 cm/s) and one obstacle height (1.0 cm) are plotted (EphA4tm1Bzh, n = 18; Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm1Bzh, n = 18; WT, n = 10; Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm2Kldr, n = 15). There was a significant increase in hopping between conditional mutant groups and their respective controls: Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm1Bzh,F = 8.8, p = 0.004, no differences between treadmill velocities (F = 0.08, p = 0.092); Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm2Kldr, F = 117, p < 0.0001, no differences between treadmill velocities, F = 0.02, p = 0.098. In addition, the Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm2Kldr mice showed a significant increase in hopping over EphA4tm2Kldr controls (17 cm/s; 1 cm; forelimb: WT mean = 1.5%±0.74%; EphA4tm2Kldr mean = 2 ± 2%, Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm2Kldr: mean = 47.2%±5.9%, p < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni's posttest revealed no difference between WT and EphA4tm2Kldr, p > 0.05). E, Histograms of forelimb reaching exploratory behavior. There was no statistically difference between WT and Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm1Bzh mice (n = 6; p > 0.05). In contrast, Emx1-Cre;EphA4tm2Kldr mice (n = 10) showed a significant use of both forelimbs when reaching the wall of the cylinder compared with WT (n = 11; one-way ANOVA, p < 0.0001, F = 66.9; Bonferroni posttest, p < 0.05). The schematic shows a diagram of a mouse in the reaching cylinder.