Fig. 3.
DHPG-evoked BTD and ATPD in LS neurons current clamped at −70 mV. A, Representative traces showing membrane potential changes elicited by ejecting aCSF (a) or 30 µM DHPG (b–d) onto WT (TRPC4+/+) LS neurons held at −70 mV (CC-70). Arrows (a–c) indicate the time of ejection (5–20 psi, 30 ms). d The boxed area of c in an expanded time scale with the ejection period indicated by the black bar. Note ATPD also comprises an initial burst firing, followed by an extended plateau depolarization. Scale bars, 3 s, 10 mV (a–c); 100 ms, 10 mV (d). B, Similar to Ab, but for an LS neuron from TRPC4−/− mouse stimulated by DHPG ejection. C, Distribution of peak depolarization amplitudes evoked by DHPG ejection in TRPC4+/+ LS neurons. Note the bimodal segregation of BTD and ATPD amplitudes. D, E, Average (mean±SEM) peak depolarization amplitudes (D) and time-to-peak values (E) of BTD (n =41) and ATPD (n =35) for TRPC4+/+ neurons and all TRPC4−/− neurons (n=9). **P<0.01, compared to BTD