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. 2014 Mar 30;2014:232451. doi: 10.1155/2014/232451

Table 1.

Basic characteristics of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Beijing, China.

Characteristicsa n (N = 887) %
Age at interview (year): mean ± SDb (range) 30.2 ± 7.9 (18–67)
 ≤23 148 16.7
 24–29 344 38.8
 30–39 278 31.3
 ≥40 87 13.2
 Han 834 94.0
 Others 53 6.0
Ever married
 Never 647 72.9
 Ever 240 27.1
Education (year)
 Primary school and lower (≤6) 23 2.6
 Middle school (7–9) 145 16.4
 Senior high (10–12) 253 28.5
 College and higher (>12) 465 52.5
Employment status
 Full-time/tenured 565 63.9
 Part-time/temporary 186 21.1
 Retired/unemployed 47 5.3
 Student 46 5.2
 Others 40 4.5
Resident in Beijing
 No 691 78.0
 Yes 195 22.0
Illicit drug use
 Never 861 97.2
 Ever 25 2.8
Alcohol drinking in the past 4 weeks
 Never 41 4.6
 Rarely 176 19.9
 2–6 times per week 449 50.7
 Daily 220 24.8
Sexual orientation
 Homosexual 577 65.7
 Heterosexual 10 1.2
 Bisexual 291 33.1
Preferred sexual position during anal sex
 Exclusively receptive 103 11.6
 Mainly receptive 155 17.5
 Exclusively insertive 181 20.4
 Mainly insertive 224 25.2
 Dual 193 21.8
 No anal sex 31 3.5
Self-perceived risk of HIV infection
 High 65 7.3
 Medium 248 28.0
 Low 463 52.2
 No 111 12.5
HIV testing times since last HIV testing (month)
 Never 30 3.4
 <3 282 31.8
 3–5 326 36.8
 6–11 132 14.9
 ≥12 117 13.2
HIV seropositive
 No 840 94.7
 Yes 47 5.3
Syphilis seropositive
 No 739 83.3
 Yes 148 16.7

aSample size may vary for different characteristic variables due to missing data.

bSD: standard deviation.