Figure 3.
(a) Mass spectrum of 1 ppm clenbuterol recorded using nanoESI with RIT operated at rf frequency 1000 kHz with resonance ejection at 350 kHz (q = 0.80) and ac amplitude ramped from 1.5 to 3.0 Vp–p. (b) Mass spectrum of 5 ppm tacrolimus, 1 ppm imatinib, and 1 ppm amitriptyline mixture recorded using nanoESI and RIT rf frequency 1000 kHz and resonance ejection at 300 kHz and 3.5–7.5 Vp–p. (c) Mass spectrum of MS2 of 500 ppt thiabendazole in 50/50 MeOH/H2O using nanoESI. (d) Mass spectrum of MS5 of 20 ppm clenbuterol in 50/50 MeOH/H2O using nanoESI (inset shows the isolated peak of ions with m/z 168).