Backbone and methyl side
chain chemical shift differences between
the binary complexes (hE:NADPH, left; hE:THF, right) and the ternary
hE:FOL:NADP+ complex. The backbone color and ribbon diameter
report on the average amide and Cα chemical shift differences:
ΔδNHC = [ΔδH2 + (ΔδN/5)2 + (2ΔδCα/5)2]1/2. The backbone is colored
by a gradient from white, indicating minimal chemical shift difference,
to red for ΔδNHC values of >1.0 ppm. Ile,
Val, and Leu side chains are shown as sticks, with the methyl groups
shown as spheres. The methyl groups are colored with a white to red
gradient according to the average methyl chemical shift difference:
ΔδCH3 = [ΔδHmethyl2 + (ΔδCmethyl/3)2]1/2, where red indicates a ΔδCH3 of >0.4 ppm. Leu residues with unassigned
ambiguous methyl chemical shifts are shown as small blue spheres.