C{F} and C{P}
REDOR spectra of intact cell walls of the FemA mutant
of S. aureus grown on media containing d-[1-13C]alanine, l-[3-13C]alanine,
[2-13C]glycine, and l-[5-19F]lysine
with the alanine racemase inhibitor, alaphosphin. The full-echo spectrum
is at the bottom of the figure, and various REDOR differences are
above. The shifted-pulse evolution time (second from top) was much
less than two rotor periods. In this experiment, the separation of
the two 19F π pulses was changed from the normal
140 μs (one rotor period) to 220 μs so that the effective
recoupling time was only 30 μs per rotor period over the two
rotor periods of REDOR dephasing. The inset shows the location of
the labels (red, 13C; green, 19F) of peptidoglycan
and (red, 13C; yellow, 31P) wall teichoic acid.
All other carbons are at natural abundance. Spinning sidebands are
designated by “ssb”.