Table 1. Average dwell time on the previous target location, one of the other three possible target locations, and a non-target location during the ISI for Experiment 1.
Previous Target | Another Target | No Target | |
HS/HT | 743.78 (73.26) | 0.26 (.21) | 559.15 (70.53) |
HS/MT | 705.65 (78.86) | 0.27 (.14) | 639.27 (75.14) |
HS/LT | 789.34 (71.6) | 2.05 (1.67) | 561.61 (72.11) |
MS/HT | 300.55 (49.02) | 5.76 (3.06) | 882.66 (52.02) |
MS/MT | 285.32 (40.08) | 2.87 (1.94) | 908.33 (47.8) |
MS/LT | 261.72 (39.03) | 7.31 (1.7) | 932.18 (46.24) |
LS/HT | 236.09 (37.71) | 3.92 (0.85) | 933.49 (42.71) |
LS/MT | 199.15 (24.54) | 3.99 (1.09) | 992.34 (36.56) |
LS/LT | 190.87 (24.94) | 5.11 (1.39) | 999.01 (35.47) |
Note. Times are in ms and standard error of the mean is in parentheses. H = high, M = medium, L = low, S = spatial, T = temporal.