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. 2014 Apr 14;9(4):e94748. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094748

Table 1. Characteristics of BRAFi patient cohort (n = 32).

Factor Value N %
Total Patients N 32 100%
Patient Sex Female 12 38%
Male 20 63%
Age at Trial Start (years) Mean/Median (range) 52/57 (23–73) -
Genotype V600E 30 94%
V600K 2 6%
BRAFi Dabrafenib 29 91%
Vemurafenib 3 9%
Active Brain Metastases at Trial Start No 15 44%
Yes 17 56%
Subsequent COMBI* No 31 97%
Yes 1 3%
M-stage M1a 1 3%
M1b 1 3%
M1c 30 94%
Baseline Sum of Diameters (mm) Mean/Median (range) 127/108(9–317) -
ECOG 0 15 47%
1 17 53%
LDH Normal 15 47%
Elevated 17 53%
Best CT Response PD 1 3%
SD 8 25%
PR 23 72%
CR 0 0%
Progression Status Progressed 29 94%
Not progressed 3 6%
BRAFi Status Continuing BRAFi 28 88%
Not on BRAFi 4 13%
Treatment Beyond Progression∧ No 17 53%
Yes 15 47%
Treatment Beyond Progression (days) Mean/Median (range) 116/66 (32–382) -
Last Follow-up Status Dead 22 72%
Alive 10 28%
Follow-up (weeks)* Mean/Median (range) 51/41 (8–153) -

Abbreviations: PD,progressive disease; SD, stable disease; PR, partial response; CR, complete response.

*COMBI denotes subsequent enrolment in a clinical trial comparing combination BRAFi plus MEK inhibitor to placebo. Follow-up for subsequent COMBI patients (n = 1) was censored at date of cessation of mono-BRAFi.

∧Treatment beyond progression classified as cessation of BRAFi greater than 30 days after date of progression.