Table 2.
MNI coordinates, t-values, and cluster sizes for VBM analysis: Regions showing reduced GM density associated with lower judgment
Regiona | x, y, z | Peak t value |
k |
Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA45) |
−43, 20, 8 | 3.73 | 126 |
Left superior frontal gyrus (BA10) |
−24, 63, −4 | 3.36 | 102 |
All t-statistics are significant at p<.001 uncorrected, corresponding to critical t-value of 3.16.
MNI=Montreal Neurological Institute atlas coordinates; VBM=Voxel-based morphometry; judgment=TOP-J total score; BA=Brodmann area.
There were no regions in which GM density was negatively correlated with TOP-J total score.