Table 2. List of proteins released by apocrine secretion and detected by fluorescent tagging.
Protein | Corresponding gene | MW (kDa) | Function/Cellular localization | Detection method | Time of release (hr APF) | Refe-rence |
Asph | Aspartyl β-hydroxylase | 89.8 | oxidoreductase/endoplasmic reticulum | GFP | 9 | {a} *Flytrap ZCL1605 |
Atg5 | Autophagy-specific gene 5 | 31.5 | protein transport/cytoplasm | GFP | 8–9 | FBti 0131368 |
Atg8a (LC3) | Autophagy-specific gene 8a | 14.4 | autophagy ubiquitine-like/cytoplasm | GFP | 8 | FBti 0147141 |
α-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase (Na+,K+-ATPase subunit alpha) | Atpalpha | 100.0 | ATPase/membrane | GFP | 9 | {a} *Flytrap ZCL2207 |
βTubulin56D GFP-βTub56D | β-Tubulin at 56D | 51.0 | cytoskeletal/cytoplasm | GFP | 8 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
CG17324-Luciole | CG17324 | 59.9 | UDP-glycosyltransferase | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Chc | Clathrin heavy chain | 191.2 | transport/cytoplasm, membrane, vesicles | GFP | 8 | FBti 0115107 |
Clc | Clathrin light chain | 23.8 | transport/cytoplasm, membrane, vesicles | GFP | 10 | FBti 0027885 |
Clic | Chloride intracellular channel | 30.2 | ion binding/membrane | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Cpn60 | Heat shock protein 60 | 60.8 | heat shock protein/mitochondrion | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap |
Eb1 | Eb1 | 32.5 | microtubule-based process/microtubule associated complex | GFP | 9 | FBti 0141213 |
Hrb98DE | Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein at 98DE | 38.0 | RNA processing/nucleus | GFP | 9 | {a} *Flytrap ZCL0588 |
Gilgamesh | gilgamesh | 52.1 | Ser/Thr-protein kinase/nucleus, membrane | GFP | 8 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Grasp65 | Grasp65 | 47.7 | transport/Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum | GFP | 10 | FBti 0040816 |
Histone 2A | Histone H2A | 13.4 | histone/nucleus | RFP | 9 | * {c} FBal 0285443 |
Ilk | Integrin linked kinase | 50.7 | kinase/membrane | GFP | 8 | {a} *Flytrap ZCL3192 |
Jupiter | Jupiter | 22.3 | cytoskeletal/nucleus, cytoplasm | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Lac | Lachesin | 39.9 | structural/membrane | GFP | 10 | {a} *Flytrap G00044 |
Lamin C | Lamin C | 69.9 | nucleoskeletal/nucleus | GFP | 10 | {a} *Flytrap CB04957 |
Larp | La related protein | 178.1 | RNA binding/cytoplasm, nucleus | GFP | 9 | {a} *Flytrap YC0014 |
Moesin | Moesin | 68.0 | cytoskeletal, structural/membrane | GFP | 8 | * {d} |
Pdi | Protein disulfide isomerase | 55.8 | protein folding/endoplasmic reticulum | GFP | 9–10 | FBti 0027861 |
Rbp1 | RNA-binding protein 1 | 27.0 | RNA processing/nucleus | GFP | 8 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
RNA-3′-phosphate cyclase | Rtc1 | 42.1 | RNA processing/nucleus, nucleolus | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
RNP 87F squid | squid | 40.0 | RNA binding/nucleus, cytoplasm | GFP | 9 | Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Scribbler | scribbler | 80.0 | transcription corepressor/nucleus | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Scyl | scylla | 30.8 | signaling/cytoplasm | GFP | 8 | FBti 0037939 |
Sgs3 | Salivary gland secretion 3 | 32.2 | extracellular glue/secreted | RFP | 8 | * {e} |
Tcp-1eta | Tcp-1eta | 59.4 | chaperonin/cytoplasm | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Tropomyosin 1 | Tropomyosin 1 | 39.3 | cytoskeletal/cytoplasm | GFP | 9 | FBti 0128132 |
VhaSFD | Vacuolar H+-ATPase SFD subunit | 53.7 | vATPase/vacuole | GFP | 8–9 | FBti 0027854 |
Zw3 Ser/Thr kinase | shaggy | 56.0 | protein kinase/cell junction, cytoplasm, nucleus | GFP | 9 | *Gavdos Protrap {b} |
Table shows 32 proteins identified using GFP-/EYFP-/RFP-constructs, as mentioned also in Materials and Methods section. Also here proteins are listed alphabetically with the corresponding gene name, molecular weight (in kDa), function and predominant cellular localization. The rightmost columns describe not only the detection method but also predominant time of their release into lumen and whenever possible also genotype reference.
{a} Flytrap (
Morin X, Daneman R, Zavortink M and Chia W (2001) A protein trap strategy to detect GFP-tagged proteins expressed from their endogenous loci in Drosophila. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 15050–15055.
{b} Gavdos Protein trap.
( Alain Debec; Biologie du Développement, UMR 7009, CNRS/Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Observatoire Océanologique, Villefranche sur mer, 06230, France.
{c} Kanesaki T, Edwards CM, Schwarz US and Grosshans J (2011) Dynamic ordering of nuclei in syncytial embryos: a quantitative analysis of the role of cytoskeletal networks. Integr. Biol. (Camb.) 3: 1112–1119.
{d} Edwards KA, Demsky M, Montague RA, Weymouth N and Kiehart DP (1997) GFP-moesin illuminates actin cytoskeleton dynamics in living tissue and demonstrates cell shape changes during morphogenesis in Drosophila. Dev. Biol. 191: 103–117.
{e} Costantino BF, Bricker DK, Alexandre K, Shen K, Merriam JR, Antoniewski C, Callender JL, Henrich VC, Presente A and Andres AJ (2008) A novel ecdysone receptor mediates steroid-regulated developmental events during the mid-third instar of Drosophila. PLoS Genet. 4: e1000102.