Figure 2.
Screenshot of the MBC task worksheets. Note. Each practice change will have an Excel workbook that has a separate worksheet for each of three scenarios (i.e., Scenario A, Scenario B, Scenario C), with each practice context having different barriers and facilitators. Several features support multifaceted decision-making while completing the task. First, all of the discrete implementation strategies developed in ERIC Stage 1 will be listed in the first column, and sorted into categories based on ERIC Stage 2 Concept Mapping data. Further, for each strategy, a comment box containing the definition for the term appears when the participant moves their cursor over the strategy’s cell. In Figure 2, the ‘Conduct local consensus discussions’ (cell A15) definition box has been made visible. Second, the participant response options are provided in a drop-down menu format to prevent data entry errors. In Figure 2, cell H6 has been selected so the drop-down menu is visible. Third, participants will be encouraged to complete their recommendations for Scenarios A through C sequentially. After the recommendations have been made for Scenario A, these will remain viewable on the worksheet for Scenario B, and the recommendations for Scenarios A and B remain viewable on the Scenario C worksheet, as seen in Figure 2. This supports the participants in efficiently making recommendations considering the current context (Scenario C) while comparing and contrasting these recommendations with those provided for Scenarios A and B, where different combinations of barriers and facilitators are present. Finally, different hues of the response columns are used to visually separate the recommendations for the three contexts with ‘Pre-implementation’ having the lightest shade and ‘Sustainment’ having the darkest.