Table 5.
Complete newborn vaccination and demographic characteristics
Variable | Incomplete newborn vaccination n (%) | Complete newborn vaccination n (%) | UOR [95% CI] | p -value | aOR [95% CI] | p -value |
Sufficient ANC** |
1-3 visits |
191 (37.5) |
318 (62.5) |
1.0 |
> = 4 visits |
112 (28.6) |
280 (71.4) |
1.50 [1.06-2.13] |
0.024 |
1.34 [0.91-1.99] |
0.133 |
Age** |
14-19 yrs. |
65 (37.1) |
110 (62.9) |
1.0 |
20-42 yrs. |
252 (33.5) |
501 (66.5) |
1.17 [0.91-1.52] |
0.202 |
1.25 [0.94-1.66] |
0.115 |
Marital status |
Not living with spouse |
31 (32.0) |
66 (68.0) |
1.0 |
Living with spouse |
286 (34.4) |
545 (65.6) |
0.90 [0.50-1.60] |
0.695 |
Education** |
None/ Primary |
280 (36.1) |
496 (63.9) |
1.0 |
Secondary plus |
37 (24.3) |
115 (75.7) |
1.75 [1.29-2.38] |
0.001 |
1.37 [1.04-1.82] |
0.029* |
Parity** |
Two or more |
256 (35.0) |
482 (65.1) |
1.0 |
Having First child |
58 (31.0) |
129 (69.0) |
1.20 [0.76-1.87] |
0.417 |
1.37 [0.72-2.61] |
0.323 |
Place of delivery** |
Home |
219 (41.2) |
313 (58.8) |
1.0 |
Health facility |
98 (24.8) |
298 (75.2) |
2.13 [1.47-3.08] |
0.000 |
1.84 [1.23-2.75] |
0.005* |
Occupation |
Subsistence farming |
71 (36.0) |
126 (64.0) |
1.0 |
Commercial farming/ Regular income | 246 (33.7) | 485 (66.4) | 1.11 [0.72-1.72] | 0.622 |
**For initial inclusion in logistic model; * p-is less than 0.05; UOR = unadjusted odds ratio; aOR = adjusted odds ration; (95% CI) Confidence Interval at 95%.