Figure 2.
Fibrillar coat is specific for AnkG-positive AIS. (A–D) Correlative phase-contrast (A), immunofluorescence (B), and PREM (C) of a DIV10 neuron stained with AnkG antibody (yellow). AnkG-positive axon extends to the left and AnkG-negative major dendrite extends to the right. B and C are combined in D. (D) Boxes e and f are enlarged in panels E and F, respectively, to show a dense coat in the AnkG-positive proximal axon (E) but not in the AnkG-negative axon hillock (E, right), nor in the proximal dendrite (F). Bars: (A–D) 20 µm; (E and F) 0.5 µm. The images in A and B are composites of two partially overlapping frames. White lines in A and B and the overlay in D indicate the boundary between the individual images.