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. 2014 Apr 1;4(4):e003596. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003596

Table 2.

Results: Hartfield

Hartfield Reported benefits in HE, PA, MHWB and SI
HE ▸ So you know, after walk we have this exercise to stretch ourselves, and then after that we used to have fruit. Yeah, so we used to sit in the park and we used to eat fruit and that's how I learn to eat fruit basically. Priya, 34, Indian
▸ Oh my God, people are healthier now. It's changed, it's completely changed. I say that it's changed because I am involved—I know how much to my own particular health (and) the health of my family and how much has changed. I'm able to know more now, I know what to eat, what not to eat. Thomas, 45, African (Ghana)
PA ▸ Like before, you know, I used to find walking was kind of one of the painful things, yeah, I wouldn't bother to walk, I would rather take bus rather than walking, but now I feel like, now—rather than taking bus or anything, let's just walk, it's not going to take me that long. Sandra, 43, African (Uganda)
▸ And we have some people who want to go night walk—like the Somalians. If the place is dark, they would like to walk. Because of, you know, night-time you can also wear your trousers—so that they can walk faster. Joyce, 38, African (Nigeria)
MHWB and SI ▸ The fact that it's made me proud of myself and the whole project and the whole community, because it's made people come in to do the activities. Bernard 42, African (Ivory Coast)
▸ It has made the community come together, that's what I've seen anyway, people have come together, which is very good. Claudette, 37, African (Sierra Leone)
▸ Yes we used to be on our own, nobody say hello to each other, but because of Cheryl (Well London coordinator), Well London came to this place (and) it start connecting us. Lorraine, 39, African (Uganda)
▸ Yeah the police, which are responsible to this area, yes its changed a lot because now they can say ‘hello’ to you Sometimes even the kids, if they see them playing outside they will stand and speak with them, and ask them ‘are you with elderly adults or are you alone?’ And so forth and we are happy for that. Margaret, 41, African (Ghana)
▸ I think that it does a good thing—Well London came to help out. We did a food basket with five foods, I did that as well so. I know the women come to do, they have sewing classes, and it's just—but it's for the coming together, the community together, that's what I think. Clara, 42, Bangladeshi
▸ I've been proud to say that this is one of my proudest periods in regards to this community. Yeah, this is because our efforts that has been put in place by Well London and followed by Well London volunteers. Last year I was just a volunteer to Well London but this year I am the chairman of Hartfield Estate—the estate now compared to what it was in the past, it's a name at least to be proud of. Frank, 39, African (Nigerian)
▸ Before we started living here I heard (that) the estate wasn't really nice, it wasn't really good. Yeah, in terms of gangs and all those things. But I was, well initially I was a bit scared…no this place has changed now. It's not like the way it used to be before (Well London), there's a lot of cameras around, and then there's this local police office behind, just around there, which is really good, so.

HE, healthy eating; MHWB, mental health and well-being; PA, physical activity; SI, social interaction.