Figure 3. Pluripotency of Adeno-iPS cell.
(A–C) Images of histological sections through teratomas formed by Adeno-iPS cells subjected to hematoxylin and eosin staining, showing keratinized epithelium (A), mucous epithelium (B) and cartilage (C). (D–I) Fluorescence images showing the contribution of red fluorescent protein-labeled Adeno-iPS cells to lung, brain and heart in a postnatal chimeric animal. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). The small insets in (D, F, H) highlight the fields magnified in (E, G, I) whereas the insets in (E, G, I) show the background fluorescent levels and DAPI staining of corresponding tissues in a non-chimeric littermate. (J, K) Images of coat-color chimeras derived from fetal liver (J) and hepatocytes (K) Adeno-iPS cells. (L–O) Fluorescence and brightfield images of a wild type (L, M) blastocyst and an Oct4-GFP (N, O) blastocyst obtained after mating a chimeric mouse made with TTF-1 iPS cells expressing GFP from the Oct4 promoter with a wild type female.