Figure 5.
MK-1775 acts synergistically with cisplatin. (A) Line graph depicting the effect of different cisplatin doses with or without treatment of MK-1775 on Daoy relative cell number by MTS assay. The black line represents cells treated only with cisplatin. The blue line depicts the calculated effect of cisplatin and 50 nM MK-1775 using the Bliss Additivity model. The red line represents the observed effect of cisplatin and 50 nM MK-1775 combination treatments. (B) The bar graph depicts the calculated IC50 value by MTS assay of cisplatin in Daoy cells exposed only to cisplatin (0 nM MK-1775) or in combination with 50 nM MK-1775 or 100 nM MK-1775. (C) Representative flow cytometry plots depict the effect on apoptosis resulting from 48 hours of drug treatment in Daoy cells following staining with Guava Nexin reagent. The lower right and upper right quadrants show cells that are Annexin V positive and thus considered apoptotic or dead. The bar graph on the right quantifies the average percent of cells apoptotic or dead in these two quadrants for the replicate samples. The combination of an IC25 of cisplatin with an IC30 of MK-1775 increased the percentage of apoptotic cells. **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.