Figure 4. No significant change in the number of RGC in adult Pou4f1CKO mice.
Retina flat mounts of control and Pou4f1CKO mice were collected after tamoxifen injection. (A–C) Two weeks after tamoxifen treatment, RGCs labeled by TUJ1 (A) and ISL1 (B) and DAPI in GCL (C); (D–F) Four weeks after tamoxifen treatment, RGCs labeled by TUJ1 (D) and ISL1 (E) and DAPI in GCL (F); (G–I) Three months after tamoxifen treatment, RGCs labeled by TUJ1 (G) and ISL1 (H) and DAPI in GCL (I); (J–L) Six months after tamoxifen treatment, RGCs labeled by TUJ1 (J) and ISL1 (K) and DAPI in GCL (L); (M) Quantification results of each cell marker in 1,600 µm2. Scale bar equals to 100 µm.