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. 2014 Apr 15;9(4):e94966. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094966

Table 4. C pools of different biomass components in P. tabulaeformis forests.

Components Young Middle-aged Immature Mature
(Mg C ha–1)(%) (Mg C ha–1)(%) (Mg C ha–1)(%) (Mg C ha–1)(%)
Total tree 62.4±9.6d 90.3±2.4a 96.4±4.5c 93.3±0.6a 133.8±18.7b 94.1±0.9a 177.0±11.8a 95.2±0.5a
Aboveground 50.8±7.8d 73.4±1.9a 86.8±3.8c 84.0±0.8b 117.8±15.9b 82.8±0.5b 161.2±10.8a 86.8±0.5b
Tree stem 28.6±4.4d 41.4±1.1b 69.9±3.0c 67.6±0.8c 95.1±12.5b 66.9±0.2c 125.8±11.1a 64.5±3.3c
Stem wood 23.8±3.8d 34.4±1.1c 64.0±2.9c 62.0±0.6d 86.7±11.2b 61.0±0.2d 113.6±10.5a 58.3±3.3d
Stem bark 4.8±0.7c 6.9±0.2f 5.9±0.2c 5.7±0.2g 8.3±1.3b 5.9±0.1g 12.2±0.9a 6.2±0.1f
Branch 11.8±1.9b 17.1±0.6d 9.3±0.6c 9.0±0.2e 9.0±0. 2c 6.4±0.8fg 15.9±1.2a 8.2±0.2f
Needle 9.4±1.5b 13.5±0.5e 7.2±0.2c 6.9±0.2f 10.0±1.3b 7.1±0.0f 13. 1±1.1a 6.7±0.3ef
Pine cone 1.0±0.1b 1.4±0.2hi 0.4±0.0b 0.4±0.0j 3.7±2.0b 2.5±1.0i 6.440±0.8a 3.5±0.6g
Roots 11.7±1.8b 16.9±0.6d 9.6±0.7b 9.3±0.2e 16.1±2.8a 11.3±0.5e 15.8±2.3a 8.1±1.0e
Total understory 1.5±0.4a 2.2±0.5h 0.8±0.5b 0.8±0.6ij 1.2±0.3ab 0.9±0.1jk 0.9±0.2ab 0.5±0.1i
Total shrub 0.2±0.2a 0.3±0.2i 0.3±0.3a 0.3±0.3j 0.4±0.3a 0.3±0.2kl 0.4±0.3a 0.2±0.1i
Shrub foliage 0.0±0.0b 0.0±0.0j 0.0±0.0ab 0.0±0.0j 0.0±0.0b 0.0±0.0l 0.1±0.0a 0.0±0.0i
Shrub branch 0.1±0.1a 0.1±0.1j 0.1±0.2a 0.2±0.2j 0.1±0.1a 0.1±0.1l 0.2±0.1a 0.1±0.1i
Shrub root 0.1±0.1a 0.2±0.2j 0.1±0.1a 0.1±0.1j 0.3±0.3a 0.2±0.2kl 0.2±0.1a 0.1±0.1i
Total herb 1.3±0.5a 1.9±0.7hi 0.5±0.3b 0.5±0.3j 0.8±0.1ab 0.6±0.1jkl 0.5±0.5b 0.3±0.3i
Aboveground herb 0.4±0.2a 0.6±0.3hi 0.1±0.1a 0.2±0.1j 0.2±0.1a 0.1±0.0kl 0.2±0. 2a 0.1±0.1i
Belowground herb 0.9±0.2a 1.3±0.4hi 0.4±0.2b 0.4±0.2j 0.6±0.1ab 0.5±0.1kl 0.3±0.3b 0.2±0.2i
Forest floor 5.1±0.8c 7.5±2.2f 6.2±1.4bc 6.0±1.1g 7.1±0.5ab 5.1±0.9h 7.9±0.2a 4.1±0.3g
Undecomposed 3.1±0.4b 4.6±1.3g 4.0±1.0ab 3.9±0.8h 4.4±0.6a 3.1±0.7i 4.6±0.2a 2.4±0.2gh
Semi-decomposed 1.4±0.3b 2.0±0.6h 1.5±0.3b 1.4±0.2i 1.9±0.4ab 1.4±0.4j 2.3±0.2a 1.2±0.1h
Full decomposed 0.6±0.2a 0.9±0.4hi 0.7±0.2a 0.7±0.2ij 0.8±0.4a 0.6±0.3kl 0.9±0.3a 0.5±0.2i

Data are presented as the mean value ± the standard deviation (SD). Mean values of C stocks within a row and mean percentages of C stocks of biomass components within a column followed by different lowercase letters are both significantly different at p<0.05.