Fig. 1. Temporal and spatial characterization of Wnt7a-Cre-mediated lacZ expression in developing urogenital tissues.
Wnt7a-Cre males were crossed with Rosa26 lacZ Cre reporter (R26R-lacZ) females. Bigenic embryos were dissected and stained at various embryonic stages determined by tail-somite (TS) counts. A, At E11.75 (TS 20), no urogenital tissues were β-gal positive. B, At E12.0 (TS 22), the tip of the Müllerian duct shows β-gal expression (red arrows). Both the Wolffian ducts and kidneys are negative for β-gal. C, At E12.25 (TS 26), the entire forming Müllerian duct is stained positive for β-gal. D, At E12.5 (TS 28), the entire Müllerian duct is stained positive for β-gal. Wolffian ducts and kidneys are negative for β-gal signal. E, At E13.0 (TS 32), the elongating Müllerian duct starts to migrate toward the midline. F, At E13.5 (TS 34), The Müllerian duct completes its formation and connects to the urogenital sinus. The black scale bar represents 200 μm in A and B. The white scale bar represents 500 μm in C–F.