Fig. 7. Time-lapse images of Müllerian duct elongation.
Mesonephros/ovary explant from E12.5 Wnt7a-Cre; R26R-YFP embryo was cultured in vitro and imaged for 28 hours. The developing Müllerian ducts were fluorescently labeled with YFP, including the migrating tips (yellow arrows). Caudal is to the right in each panel. Hours indicate time in culture. The Müllerian duct elongates along the Wolffian duct (not labeled) beneath the mesonephric epithelium (ME) in a rostral to caudal direction. The tips of the Müllerian duct exhibit multiple extensions (green arrows) that appear to have an exploratory behavior. The trailing Müllerian duct caudal to the tip becomes narrower in width. Scale bar represents 100 μm (30 μm in insets). MDE, Müllerian duct epithelium; ME, mesonephric epithelium; O, ovary.