dACC at Decision I
(A) When just the main effect of choice is considered, then activity in dACC and adjacent dorsomedial frontal cortex increased for riskier as opposed to safer choices.
(B) Again, the same dACC region and adjacent dorsomedial frontal cortex exhibited increased activity as a function of the relative value of riskier choices (Vriskier − Vsafer).
(C) dACC activity during the decision phase increased as a function of risk pressure when subjects did not succumb to it and instead made riskier rather than safer choices.
(D) In (i), the dACC group time course of the Vriskier − Vsafer effect is shown separately for riskier (continuous line) and safer choices (dotted line). In (ii), subjects who were less biased against riskier choices exhibited a higher dACC Vriskier − Vsafer effect at the peak of the group time course. a.u., arbitrary units; RT, reaction time.
See also Figure S5.