Figure 1. SWD activity in response to a 20-minute acute restraint stress.
(A) Scn8amed/+ mice have significantly more SWDs in the 2-hour period following restraint stress compared to the same 2-hour period at baseline, while WT mice show no increase in number of SWDs following restraint stress (genotype main effect: F(1,12)=17.969, p<0.01; stress main effect: F(1,12)=7.7.36, p<0.05; genotype x stress interaction effect: F(1,12)=7.448, p<0.05). *p<0.05 vs. Baseline within genotype, Tukey post hoc test. (B) Scn8amed/+ mice have a significant change in SWD frequency after restraint stress compared to WT mice: t(12)=−2.729, *p<0.05. (C) SWD activity in Scn8amed/+ mice in 20-minute intervals beginning with the restraint stress (min 0–20) and ending 3 hours after the end of the stressor. Following an initial suppression of SWD activity while in the restraint tube, Scn8amed/+ mice show a significant increase in SWDs 40 to 80 minutes post-restraint (time main effect: F(9,63)=3.818, p<0.001; time x stress interaction effect: F(9,63)=2.619, p<0.05). *p<0.05 vs. Baseline, Tukey post hoc test. (D) After the onset of a stressor, Scn8amed/+ mice show a shorter latency to the first post-stress SWD than WT mice: t(11)=6.321, *p<0.001. Error bars represent SEM. n=6–8 per group.