Figure 4.
Characteristics of SCmed cells treated with CAF CM and Ac2-26 and grown under the renal capsule of NOD.SCID male mice in vivo. A, Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) images of representative untreated, CAF CM treated and Ac2-26 treated cE1 SCmed cells reveal the formation of glandular structures in CAF CM treated and Ac2-26 treated grafts. Treated grafts possessed increased basal and proliferating prostate cancer cells as analyzed by IHC for p63, CK8, AR, and Ki67. Images at 400× magnification. Bar 100 µm. B, Incidence of grafts with detectable glandular structures. C, Basal cell expansion was quantified from the number of p63+ cells per total cells per graft area and the ratio of p63+ cells to CK8+ cells per total cells per graft area. *, P < 0.05.