Zebularine treatment of RdDM mutants results in stochastic and transgenerational inheritance of active repetitive elements.
A TS-GUS reactivation in WT and drd1 after 6-day mock treatment followed by 6-day 20 μM zebularine treatment. Arrowheads indicate zebularine-mediated reactivation in tissues grown in the presence of the inhibitor.
B Representative examples of selfed (S1) seedlings from zebularine-treated S0 mutant plants with varying degree of TS-GUS reactivation in cotyledons and true leaves (I–V). Categories show plants with increasing degree of TS-GUS reactivation in true leaves (arrows).
C, D Percentage of S1 seedlings with varying GUS reactivation from S0 mock-treated and 20 μM zebularine-treated plants (C). Percentage of F1 seedlings with varying GUS reactivation from crosses between WT and mutant plants with or without zebularine (D). Approximately 100 seedlings were scored per genotype and treatment. The classification is based on (B).