Hcp1 hexamers assemble tubular edifices by head-to-tail stacking in vivo.
A–C Models of EAEC Hcp1 hexamers assembled in a head-to-tail (A), tail-to-tail (B) or head-to-head (C) manner, based on the available crystal lattices. The locations of the cysteine substitutions used to probe the assembly are indicated by the yellow balls (Gly96 and Ser158 for the head-to-tail; Gln24 and Ala95 for the tail-to-tail; Gly48 for the head-to-head).
D Cytoplasmic extracts from EAEC Δhcp1 cells producing the indicated Hcp1 C38S cysteine mutant proteins after in vivo oxidative treatment were analyzed by 12.5%-acrylamide SDS-PAGE and proteins were immunodetected with the anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody. Positions of the Hcp1 monomer and oligomers are indicated on the right. Molecular weights (in kDa) are indicated on the left.