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. 2014 Feb 1;184(100):34–40. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2013.10.032

Table 4.

Estimates of the economic value of pollination services at hectare and national scales using quantitative and cultivar independent dependence ratio analyses.

cv. independent
59.8% 63.1% 51.6% 59.1% 55.7% 61.1%
IPV/ha (£000) £9.4 £10.0 £9.8 £11.1 £9.7 £10.6
National total (£000) £18,802.1 £19,811.3 £8561.9 £9805.5 £27,809.9 £30,482.3
Difference (£000/ha) −£2.9 −£2.0 −£5.0 −£3.2 −£2.2/−£5.1 −£1.3/−£4.1
Total difference (£000) −£5874.1 −£3929.2 −£4403.7 −£3159.9 −£8896.1 −£6223.4

Key: cv. independent – cultivar independent estimates, developed using average DR values, prices and outputs/ha; DRy – the proportion of pre-thinning yield lost in the absence of pollination services; DRp – the proportion of total crop production (fruit set × weight) lost without pollination services; IPV/ha – total insect pollination service value per hectare; national total – the total value of insect pollination services to the crop across the UK. For the cv. independent column this is based upon the sum area of both cultivars; difference/ha – the difference between per hectare estimates using these dependence ratios and the values per hectare estimated in Table 3. Values are given for Cox and Gala, respectively in the cv. independent column; total difference – the difference between total value estimates across the whole area of crop. For the cv. independent column this is based on the difference between the estimated total and the sum of the national total estimates in Table 3.