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. 2013 Jul 23;29(2):119–132. doi: 10.1007/s12291-013-0362-8

Table 1.

Classification of nutraceuticals, sources and potential benefits

Class Source Potential benefits
1. Carotenoids
 Beta-carotene Carrots, various fruits Neutralizes free radicals, which may damage cells; bolsters cellular antioxidant defenses
 Lycopene Tomatoes and processed tomato products May contribute to maintenance of prostate health
2. Dietary fiber
 Insoluble fiber Wheat bran May contribute to maintenance of a healthy digestive tract, hypocholesterolemic
 Soluble fiber Pectins of fruits e.g. apple May contribute to maintenance of a healthy digestive tract, hypocholesterolemic
3. Fatty acids
 Monosaturated fatty acids Tree nuts May reduce risk of coronary heart disease
4. Flavonoids
 Flavonols Onions, apples, tea, broccoli Neutralize free radicals, which may damage cells; bolster cellular antioxidant defenses
5. Isothiocyanates
 Sulforaphane Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, horseradish May enhance detoxification of undesirable compounds and bolster cellular antioxidant defenses
6. Phenols
 Caffeic acid, ferulic acid their derivatives and related compounds Apples, pears, citrus fruits, some vegetables, turmeric, Grapes, tea, gooseberries May booster cellular antioxidant defenses; may contribute to maintenance of vision and heart health
7. Plant stanols/sterols
 Stanol/sterol esters Fortified table spreads, stanol ester dietary supplements May reduce risk of coronary heart disease
8. Polyols
 Sugar alcohols (xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, lactitol) Some chewing gums and other food applications May reduce risk of dental caries (cavities)
9. Prebiotics/probiotics
 Lactobacilli, bifidobacteria Yogurt, other dairy and nondairy applications May improve gastrointestinal health and systematic immunity
10. Phytoestrogens
 Isoflavones (daidzein, genistein) Soybeans and soy-based foods May contribute to maintenance of bone health, healthy brain and immune functions; for women, maintenance of menopausal health
11. Soy protein
 Soy protein Soybeans and soy-based foods May reduce risk of coronary heart disease
12. Sulfides/thiols
 a. Dithiolthiones
 b. Allyl sulphoxy aminoacids Cruciferous vegetables
Allium vegetables
May contribute to maintenance of healthy immune function
 c. Allicin, Ajoen Do (crushed forms) Do
13. Tocotrienol (isoprenoids) Grains, palm oil Anticancer (breast cancer), promotes cardiovascular health
14. Saponins Soyabeans Lowers cholesterol level, anticancer activity (colon)
15. Glucosinolates Cruciferous vegetables Anticancer (bladder cancer)
16. Alkaloids
 Quinine Cinchona Antimalarial
 Tropane alkaloids Solanaceous members: deadly night shade datura In treatment of heart ailments
 Morphine Opium poppy Anti depressent, pain killer
 Ergot alkaloids Fungus: Claviceps purpurea Abortifacient
 Vincristine periwinkle Antineoplastic
 Vinblastine Periwinkle Antineoplastic
 Coumarin Fenugreek Hypoglycemic
 Scopoletin Fenugreek Hypoglycemic
 Fenugreekine Fenugreek Hypoglycemic
 Trigonelliine Fenugreek Hypoglycemic
17. Non carotenoid terpenoids
 Perillyl alcohol Cherries and mints Anticancer
 Saponins Legumes (chicks, peas, fenugreek) Reduces cholesterol levels
 Terpenol Carrots Anticancer
 Terpene limonoids Peels and membrane of citrus fruit Anticarcinogenic
18. Anthraquinones
 Senna Legumes and pulses Purgative
 Barbaloin Aloe Laxative, helmintic
19. Terpenes
 Menthol Plants of mint family Topical pain reliever and antipyretic
 Borneol Pine oil Disinfectant
 Santonin Worm wood Photosensitizer
 Gossypol Cotton Contraceptive