Figure 1.
Mechanical force on ICAM-1 increases cellular stiffening. Magnetic beads coated with ICAM-1 mAb were added to a monolayer of TNF-treated HMVECs. Magnetic tweezers were used to apply pulses of force to individual beads and bead movement recorded with high-speed video. (A) Typical displacement of a bead bound to ICAM-1. Arrows denote displacement distance (Top). A diagram of the 160 pN force regimen used (3s of force with 5s recovery for 5 pulses) (Lower). Percentage bead displacement in response to sequential pulses of force for ECs plated on collagen (B) or fibronectin (C). For D–F, the ECs were plated on collagen. (D) Bead displacements on HMVECs treated with specified inhibitors for 30 min followed by 2 pulses of force. (E) Bead displacement on HMVECs and HMVECs treated with miRNA to inhibit RhoA expression with or without rescue with myc-RhoA. (F) Western blotting confirms RhoA KD and myc-RhoA re-expression. (B–E) Quantification of bead displacement with each pulse normalized to the first pulse. Asterisks shows p-value of statistical significance compared to the control (*, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01). The means ± SEM of ≥9 independent bead pulls are shown.