Fig. 2.
Co-modulation of amplitude envelope and instantaneous frequency in subject 8. (A and B) Log normalized STN LFP power spectrum in the high-gamma band from the left and right STN, respectively. (C) Significant coherence between the left and right STN in the high-gamma band; dotted red line depicts the threshold for coherence set to the 95th percentile of the surrogate dataset. (D and E) Example changes in the amplitude envelope of STN high-gamma oscillations in the left and right STN, respectively. (F) Corresponding significant correlation between amplitude envelope changes. (G and H) Example changes in the instantaneous frequency of STN high-gamma oscillations in the left and right STN, respectively. (I) Corresponding significant correlation between instantaneous frequency changes. Correlated segments are highlighted using red vertical lines in D, E, G and H. In F and I, significance is determined according to the 95th percentile of the corresponding correlation levels derived from the surrogate dataset. (For interpretation of color in this Figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)