The geometric shape of areas of available data at the single axis tilting scheme with a tilting range limited to ±Φmax in Cartesian coordinates. (A) Area Ω3(X,Y,Z) in 3D space, (B) Ω2(X,Z) in 2 dimensions. (C) Impulse response W2(x,z) of Ω2(X,Z) shown in (B) computed according to (Komrska, 1983). Values of W2(x,z) were divided by the magnitude in the central maximum of the impulse response of an unobstructed (full) circle with the same diameter. Dotted rectangle encloses one of the four side rays pairs perpendicular to the highest-tilt projections (light blue areas correspond to the positive line, dark blue to the negative line), arrows indicate the remaining three pairs of side rays.