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. 2014 Apr;33(4):429–437. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2013.11.004

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Treg treatment induces full donor-specific tolerance and prevents chronic rejection. (A) Tolerance was assessed by grafting fully mismatched skin allografts. Donor-specific BALB/c skin survived indefinitely in most chimeras induced by irradiation (3 Gy, n = 7, open circles) and all chimeras treated with Tregs (0-Gy Tregs, n = 5, filled squares), whereas control mice uniformly rejected donor-specific grafts (0-Gy control, n = 5, open triangles). (B) Cardiac allograft survival was monitored by daily palpation (>100 days) in BMT recipients that were pre-conditioned with irradiation (3 Gy, n = 6, open circles), Tregs (0-Gy Tregs, n = 5, filled squares) and unirradiated control BMT recipients (0-Gy control, n = 5, open triangles). (C) Clinical ISHLT rejection score of cardiac allografts >100 days after transplantation into BMT recipients treated with 3-Gy irradiation or therapeutic Treg infusion (0-Gy Tregs; p = 0.010, Fisher’s exact test). (D–F) Representative features of cardiac histopathology harvested >100 days after transplantation of BALB/c hearts into (D) 3-Gy–irradiated chimeras, (E) Treg-treated chimeras or (F) syngeneic recipients. Compared with syngeneic allografts, 3-Gy–irradiated chimeras show areas with increased lymphocytic infiltrates (black arrow, left) and intimal proliferation (black arrows, right) and arterial occlusion (white arrow, right). Heart allografts were fixed and stained with HE (original magnifications: ×100 [left] and ×200 [middle]) and EvG (original magnification: ×400 [right]).