Table 6.
Effect Sizes for the Gender Gap in JPSP Publications by Decade and Author Order
Time Span | Authorship Combined | First Author | Second Author | Third Author | Fourth or More Author |
1965–1974 | .53† | .60* | .19 | .19 | .32 |
1975–1984 | .88** | .73** | .59* | .18 | .09 |
1985–1994 | .74** | .65* | .38 | .18 | .18 |
1995–2004 | .69** | .48† | .42 | .38 | .51† |
1965–2004 | 1.57** | 1.16** | .68* | .38 | .58† |
Note. Effect sizes are Cohen’s d. Positive effects indicate that men published more than women. By convention, small, medium, and large effect sizes correspond to .20, .50, and .80, respectively (Cohen, 1988).
p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.