Fig. 2.
Altered Calbindin D-28k morphology with age in Ts65Dn mice. A–F) Cal 28k immunostaining of the hippocampus in 4 mo (A, B), 12 mo (C, D), and 18 mo (E, F) mice demonstrates the effects of aging on hippocampal morphology in NS (A, C, E) and Ts65Dn (B, D, F) mice. G) Densitometric analysis revealed that overall Cal 28k-IR in CA1 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus was reduced with age in Ts65Dn mice, while density in NS mice remained stable. H) Cal 28-IR in the dentate gyrus was not altered at 18 mo (mean ± SEM; +p = 0.08; ***p < 0.001; n = 5 per group for 4 mo, n = 9–10 for 12 mo, n = 4 for 18 mo).