Figure 3.
Representative fluorescent photomicrographs of GFAP immunoreactivity in the vlPAG of animals treated with CFA+Morphine (a) and Handled+Morphine (b) (A). Densitometry of GFAP immunoreactivity in the vlPAG (B). Administration of morphine, in the absence of CFA (Handled+Morphine; n=7), resulted in a significant increase in GFAP immunoreactivity within the vlPAG (F3,22=10.022, p=0.0002). No differences in GFAP levels were noted for the CFA+Morphine (n=11), CFA+Saline (n=4) or Handled+Saline control groups (n=4). Relative band intensity of GFAP/β-actin in the vlPAG (C). Administration of morphine, in the absence of CFA (Handled+Morphine; n=5), resulted in a significant increase in relative band intensity of GFAP/β-actin in the vlPAG (F3,19=10.256, p=0.0003). No differences in GFAP levels were noted for the CFA+Morphine (n=5), CFA+Saline (n=7) or Handled+Saline (n=6) control groups.