FIG. 3.
Electron microscopic analysis in bovine and monkey eyes. (A) An image from the inner wall and JCT region of a control bovine eye, the connection between the inner wall endothelial cells and underlying matrix of the JCT was maintained. (B) An image from the inner wall and JCT region of a Y-27632-treated bovine eye, separation between the basal lamina of the inner wall endothelium and underlying extracellular matrix of JCT was seen (double headed arrows). (C) An image from the inner wall and JCT region of a control monkey eye, the inner wall of SC appeared attached to the underlying JCT structures in most regions. Giant vacuoles (V) were seen along the inner wall of SC. Microspheres (arrows) were usually seen in the open spaces of the JCT region. (D) An image from the inner wall and JCT region of a Y-27632-treated monkey eye, the inner wall appeared distended to SC. The JCT appeared loose and disorganized. Significant separations between the inner wall and JCT were found (double headed arrows). The separation was mainly between JCT cells and between the JCT cells and their extracellular matrix. In separated areas, the connections between JCT cells were lost and less extracellular matrix was seen. (A, B) from Lu et al.23; (C, D) from Lu et al.24